Thursday, December 18, 2008


"We didn't want to tell you this just yet.
Well, your dad wanted to tell you himself."

I found out my dad has Type II Diabetes....and nothing has been the same since.
It's hard seeing him check his sugar levels, change his diet, watch what kind of snacks he can have, and request Splenda at every Dunkin' Donuts and every Diner. I'ts the reality though.

Knowing that he is diabetic concerned my doctor and I was told to take a glucose test. They asked me to drink this nasty orange-soda like substance, and they drew blood every hour for 3 hours!
Besides, I hate needles. My left arm hurt for about a week because something went wrong with a blood vessel, and the rest of the blood was drawn from my right arm. I went through all of that to find out that my sugar levels are stable. That, however should not convince me that I can eat any and everything. I'm still at a high risk of developing Diabetes later on in life because it is genetic.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The 2nd Decade

She struggled for 21 hours.

Family and Friends anticipated this event, and had kept a keen eye out for her well-being. They knew that this would happen any day soon. And when that day had arrived her husband and mother were the ones who cared the most. Her husband, by her side, had made sure to get her to the hospital when she was sure that it was time. Her own mother was not too far behind, pacing and making sure that everything outside of the room was alright. Watchdog, if you will.

It was time for the Baby Girl that they had all been waiting for to arrive. It was 2 days before the due date, But she knew that the contractions were occurring.

21 hours later Lenora Estelle was born with a head full of hair. Grandma followed the nurse and made sure that her NameSake was not mistaken for any other...

Two decades have passed, and the Love from that first day has never left me. Those same watchful eyes from my grandmother are looking over me from heaven, and the parental grip and love does not cease. And it encourages me to keep on keeping on.

Two Decades have passed and I have become a part of history! President Barack Obama now leads my country of birth and I am so proud of the accomplishments that this country has achieved. This turn of events has encouraged me to "pick myself up, dust myself off" and go about remaking and revitalizing ME!
Wish me luck!

Dreams Can Come True

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hi, I'm NoraS.

I figure it's time I introduce myself to the world

[including myself!]

However, I'd prefer to do so in a different sense.

In an attempt to stray away from the normalcy of developing a paragraph summarizing

my endeavors, my accomplishments, my interests and hobbies,

I will introduce myself to AllofUs in this Blogger.

Anyone who desires can learn about me through my experiences. I'm sure that they will all tell about the things I'm interested in. The posts will tell you about my involvements and how they impact my life.

But most importantly-- we will all Learn about me by paying attention to my

Days full of Dreams.

I will Journal my Life. This is my Keepsake. This is my NotePad. And its entries will describe me.

My life will be captured, my dreams, my interests, my observations, my friends, my inspiration, My poetry.

I'm NoraS.

And it's nice to meet you.

All men dream but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity;
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.